I really examined my heart this morning and, after discovering that it is an organ that pumps blood around my body and nothing more, I wandered what it would be like to be a Christian trying to throw out Science from Religion.
I realized I would have to be a very arrogant person. I would have to make myself ignorant of Reality and forget everything I ever mindlessly-parroted, though I would have to claim that I knew the truth about the universe without ever looking at the opposing side of the Bible and creationism which is Science and Reality.
I would have to be biased beyond belief and have faith in an old book that contains nothing of use and dogmatically sticks to out-dated mythologies and voodoo and can't be interpreted in the light of new information.
I would be among people who claim to be tolerant but hate Science without bothering to learn anything about it by reading entry-level books. I would have to be so foolish and arrogant (and smelly).
I hate that wrong path and people should flee far from that path and turn to Reality because Christianity is a Lie.
🎥 Schauen Royal New Year's Eve On-line Frei
5 years ago