Friday, September 18, 2009

The Theory of Evolution

I haven't actually watched this video yet, but I trust my man Zilch to have a good eye for these things and I actually want to see if I can figure out how to embed a video, so, here's some clarification about what the ToE does and does not have to say about the world;

Let me know what you think.



BathTub said...

All you need to know is it's by QualiaSoup.

ExPatMatt said...

Ok, I watched the video and it is, indeed, a very good explanation of evolution.

I love the clear and simple graphics and the almost playful tone.

Very well done, favourited/subscribed.

Any evolution-deniers care to wade in on this?

ExPatMatt said...

Come on, speak up.

I know there's someone out there that's seen this video who denies evolution - I'd like to know what you think of it.


Lissie Darcy said...

Um. I'm hesitating to watch this. Is it dry? Science is always dull when it its presented in a dry way. But, it is interesting when presented in a not so dry way, and when you have a good attitude about it. school..maybe when I graduate from high school, Science and things will be more interesting because I won't be always having to do school.


Ps. And yes, though I'm an evolution denier, I wouldn't mind watching something like this.'s not dry. Oh, well I think even us Christians should know the other perspective-creationist point of view and the evolutionist point of view. (Is that right? You say "evolutionist", correct me if I'm wrong..)

BathTub said...

No, evolutionist is a made up word to denigrate people who accept that that scientific theory of Evolution is the correct explanation of the fact of evolution.

Do know any Atomists? Germists? Musicists? Informationists?

Because Atoms, Germs, Music, & Information are all Theories too.

Qualiasoup's video is good, it's not techy it's there to explain mistakes people make and explain the basics.

Lissie Darcy said...

Ok, so then don't use the word "evolutionist" because it's a made up word?

I'm brain dead. Came back from Anatomy class. Sorry..if I'm terribly slow right now.

Well, maybe I'll give the vid a try. But, I think I'll have to watch it with my Dad incase I don't end up understanding it. Well that and if I have any questions :D

Course I won't watch it now. He's not even home from work. That and NO MORE SCIENCE FOR TODAY!!

But, I do want to watch it. Learn something new, hey why not?

Thanks for the info!,


BathTub said...

You can use it, it's just nonsensical.

As I said, it's as meaningful as Germist.

Are you a Germist?

The video isn't technical, I just watched it again it's just a straight forward explanation. And a little funny. But it isn't meant to be a comedy.

Lissie Darcy said...

If it's nonsensical then there's no point in using it. Thanks for informing me of that by the way.

(By the way I love that word "Nonsensical" I think I first heard of it when I read Pride and Prejudice. Haha. Ever since I love using it haha. )

Ok. I started to watch it (Test you on your word of it not being techy) and it seems ok. I think I'll watch it straight through. Should be able to even w/out the aid of my Father. But, it'd be a way to spend some time with him. Open up some good convos. So I think I will watch it with him.


BathTub said...

Heh fair enough.

I guess the other side is that it isn't meant to answer every question you ever might have either.

In fact it is probably meant to generate questions.

Lissie Darcy said...

Wait which side? My side or yours?

I think both have their share of questions that pop up. I don't doubt that you've questioned many a time what you believe.

However I'm merely saying I think it's good to know the different perspectives out their. Then you can build up on what you believe. It's also good for exercising your brain for critical thinking. "Why is this wrong? What's the major logical fallacies in this presupposition.." That kind of thing. Good practice for me.

BathTub said...

The other side as in 'it's not to answer everything it's just a summary, in fact it may generate more questions for the viewer, that may even be the point'

I didn't mean sides as in Germists vs AGermists.

Lissie Darcy said...

Oh. I see what you mean. yeah. Well, I don't expect it to explain evvverything. That's why I would like to watch it with my Dad. So if I do have questions, I can ask him.


BathTub said...

Make it interesting.

Write down the questions.

Ask your Dad.

Get his answers

Then ask us too!

Brazen Hussey's said...

I will ask you if I have any interesting questions. However with my Dad's presence over my shoulder.

You know no matter what I'm not going to convert to atheisim. What we Christians believe is once saved always saved. Those who fall away from the faith weren't ever truly saved. It was a false conversion. Of course those who fall away always have time to get themselves together, repent, and turn back to Christ.


Ps. Only if I come up with some good questions will I ask you guys.

Lissie Darcy said...

Oh whoops. Signed in as my Dad again. Sorry!!

I really need to watch annoys me!


BathTub said...

Sorry what's this got to do with atheism?

That's like the first fallacy the video addresses!

Lissie Darcy said...

I was being illogical and stupid. Sorry.

I was speaking straight from some thoughts in my head, assuming you were a mind reader.

I tend to do that. I talk a lot, I always have so much to talk about. So, sometimes I blot out half my thoughts without actually explaining them to people; assuming they know what I'm thinking.

Never mind. My mistake. Sorry.


BathTub said...

lol that's fine, it was just like 'woah weird change of topic there'.

Lissie Darcy said...

I really am sorry. I really got to learn how to think before I speak (**HEM** WRITE).

Yeah it was a sudden change of topic.

I really do appreciate you and Mr. Matt being really nice to me :D

Well since we both have different views on the orgin of life and well tons of other things, sometimes people can be well a little excited. :D

So thanks for that!!


BathTub said...

Heh fair enough.

Speaking only for myself. The 'excitement' mostly enters into it when people start being dishonest. Why is why Ray's blog is so 'exciting'. ;)

Brazen Hussey's said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lissie Darcy said...

I think I've only visited Ray's blog like once only. I think his posts are more directed towards witnessing to you atheists. Besides, I don't really want to go back and forth and back and forth...

Number 1. I don't think I'm very good at explaining myself online. It's easier for me to express myself one-on-one face to face. 2. My writing is horrible. I go off on too many bunny trails. Keeping a blog is practice for me to get out of that bad habbit. 3. Not all people are going to be level headed in their comments..and well I don't really want to be introduced to any foul language. So..yeah.

BathTub said...

It's a very weird environment over there you never know what Ray will allow from Day to Day. Sometimes he won't even allow his own books through!

Lissie Darcy said...

Well I'm sure he's doing the best he can. One can get overwhelmed you know. Besides, maybe he just needs a break every now and then..who knows. That's the thing. As an individual one can never know what the other is truly going through, so you must be very very careful in what you say, and think about someone.

By the way Bath Tub, I can't remember which post it was on..but I asked a question and you never answered. (I think because you just might not have seen the comment :)

Do you have a family? Just wondering, coming from a family of 9. (Counting myself, and my parents. I have another sibling on the way.) And I'm the oldest of them all!! I am really proud of being the oldest of all 'em siblings.

BathTub said...

Sorry, oldest of 2, I have a younger sister Bex, who lives in Columbia Mo.

Lissie Darcy said...

That's cool. Um sorry for the random question..and like rapid change of subject. Like I said..I talk a lot. Well that and I'm easily distracted. And I always feel like I have to hurry up and talk otherwise I'll burst because I'm always thinking about things..and well it builds up. Haha.

Well that's neat! I'm sure your sister enjoys having an older brother. Older brothers are a blessing. I've always wanted one. I mean sisters are great, but I have 3 sisters and only 2 brothers. (Well 3 now..(Josiah..the one on the way) so I'd love to have an older brother. But, guess it's too late for that. So I've adopted some friends as my Older brothers. Haha. I even have an adopted little brother. It's pretty neat.

Well, it is rather late. Eleven. I'm getting into a terrible habbit of staying up late. I'm used to going to bed at 9:30. So..need to get back into that habbit. I'm not a night owl. Or a morning person. Afternoons I'm ready for a nap. So apparently no time of day is my time of day. HA. I'm such a weird person. OH well. Anyways, been fun chatting. Sorry if you think it's weird that I'm a kid talking to you, an adult. I actually am more comfortable talking with adults then kids. I know my place when talking to adults, but my piers...well there's too much drama. Oh, but I do have tons of friends. (Just so you know. Some ppl think homeschooling are sheltered and never get a social life. Ha. Not true. We probably get more of a social life because our schedule is so flexible we're always capable of doing things with other people. :D )

Anyways! Gotta run. I'm turning in.


BathTub said...

No worries, not many people would call me an adult!

ExPatMatt said...

I turn around for 5 minutes and look what happens!

Hey Lissie! Let us know if you have any questions about the video or anything else in general, ok?

BathTub, you're so Germist...I can tell by the products you use; always trying to 'kill bacteria' and 'rinse away germs' you should be ashamed of yourself

Lissie Darcy said...

I know!! Well, can't help it. I had nothing to do yesterday. Was bored..and in a chatty mood. Well that and I had no emails! GRR! SLACKERS. JK. I did however have one comment from an atheist..(or..I'm assuming he is the mindset from his comment) so I got to reply to that :D...

I really should've taken advantage of that time to read though. Ah. I'm such a procrasinator. Haha.

A little advice: don't turn your back for 5 minutes. 5 seconds is allowed though.

Oh yeah I'll be sure to letcha know.

What was that? Code language between you and Bath tub!? Now you remind me of my parents when I was 5, and they'd talk but they'd "Spell" because I didn't know how to back then. hahah. But I was always trying to figure them out. Now I'm well-trained in that field-so WATCH OUT. (I'm joking. Well the story is true, though.)

zilch said...

Hey ExPatMatt! Just wanted to check out your digs, and it looks good.

Lissie: I know this was intended for BathTub, but I can't resist: you ask-
"my side or yours?"

Speaking for myself, and I suspect for all the others here: while I probably disagree with you about a lot of things, I am, in most important senses, on your side: that is, I want people to be able to live in peace, free from fear and want. It's easy to forget that we all have a lot in common, no matter what personal beliefs we have.

cheers from autumny Vienna, zilch

Lissie Darcy said...


I agree that you are on my side as far as wanting to live in peace.

The differences come in how we satisfy that craving for peace. I don't exactly know how you do that, but I know I satisfy my craving for peace by praying to my heavenly Father. Every night when I lay on my pillow, I fall asleep knowing that if I die I know I'm going to heaven.

I have peace, and can live in peace knowing that whatever happens in this life, I will see my Maker's face.

I think that is on of difference between us Christians, and the atheists. (Are you an atheist (just to be sure. If I'm totally wrong SORRY!)



zilch said...

That is indeed one of the differences between atheists and believers, Lissie. I have nothing against someone praying for peace- if that helps them get through the day, or helps them to spread peace, then more power to them.

But since I don't believe anyone is listening to prayer except the one praying, I must resort to more material means to spread peace. Those include keeping my footprint small, voting, protesting, demonstrating, and making contributions to peaceful causes.

Of course, lots of believers do these things as well. That's all to the good: I'm an equal-opportunity admirer of whatever gets the job done. The only reason I would argue about the existence of God with people who do good is if it's fun for both of us.

Unfortunately, there are lots of believers who not only don't do much good, but actively cause harm in the name of their beliefs. For instance, the recent influence of fundamental Christianity in America has been instrumental in getting the US into a war that has claimed many thousands of lives, based on a lie. And many Christians in the States are fighting to get their religion into public schools and private lives, to force their beliefs on everyone. This is not only simply wrong; it is un-American.

So that's why I do this. Cheers from overcast Vienna, zilch.

Lissie Darcy said...

As far as political wise, and the harm Christians are doing in that aspect, I must say I don't know much about that. I'm pretty much a baby.

I only say this: If it is true about Christians trying to force their beliefs in state school if you go back in time of George Washington days-religion was a part of school studies. Ethics, and morality were a very big part in education.

However, I do not agree with those who are trying to "force" their beliefs upon everyone. (As you put. :) I believe if you disagree with what the sate schools are teaching, then you should teach your kids at home. You don't want the government's forced beliefs on your child? Then teach your kids at home. That is how God designed it in the first place. (I'm homeschooled btw. :)

It really annoys me to hear when other Christians aren't bearing the name of Christ as they should. They have the world as witnesses. If we bear the name of Christ (i.e. "CHRIST-ians") then we should do so that will bring honor to His name. The world needs to see a difference between us, and the average person. However we are not perfect, and never claim to be.

So I am sorry if the Christians you've seen have acted dishonorably. For they have done so to you, as their witness, and to God as their Creator.


Ps. A question for all of you, (Bath Tub, and Mr. Matt, and you Zilch (Is that your name or your blogging name..? Sorry, just had to ask.) Were you atheists ever since you were old enough to decide that for yourself? And what made you come to the conclusion that you are at now? (*hem* God doesn't exist..)